1. Introduction
A new HTTP version is proposed in this document, the noob version.
The purpose of this new HTTP version is not discussed here, a separate document will detail this aspect.
2. Specifications
The version of an HTTP request message is indicated by an HTTP-Version field in the first line of the message:
HTTP-Version = “HTTP'” “/” “noob”
An application that sends a request message that includes this version can omit the “HTTP” parameter:
HTTP-Version = “noob”
Compliant applications must support this HTTP version at least with the GET method.
Compliant applications should reply with any supported HTTP version.
We require the Host header with this HTTP version to avoid certain issues, like a response with a Johnny Cash finger image(on certain web sites). In this case we recommend an OFR(Optical Finger Recognition) over Johnny Cash’s finger in order to establish if it’s genuine.
3. Example
- For a GET request:
GET / HTTP/noob
Host: www.example.net
GET / noob
Host: www.example.net
4. Security Considerations
None, attackers are not allowed to use this HTTP version.
5. Early implementations
We are extremely pleased to announce that Apache HTTPD is one of the very first servers compliant with the noob HTTP version specifications. Therefore, if such request is made against an Apache 2.2.x server, a HTTP/1.1 200 OK response will likely be received.